
This page contains activities (including conferences and workshops) that I have attended/participated in.

Big Data Analytics training is a one week program organized by the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) and the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE). The training focused on data-intensive computing with hands-on sessions on the application of Hadoop ecosystem to store, and analyze large volumes of unstructured data.

EGU General Assembly 2019

Sources and Sinks of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Energy

Drakkar workshop is an annual scientific gathering, where NEMO based ocean model users discuss scientific results, progress achieved with the model configuration and also future plans to improve the model development. During the meeting, I gave a talk on the regimes of inverse energy cascade in ocean mesoscale inertial range based on the outputs of two submesoscale permitting ocean models NATL60 and HYCOM50.

Journees Nationales SWOT is a scientific gathering aim at bringing together the French SWOT community working on SWOT related research (oceanography and hydrology). This year, at the level of the meeting, updates on the workdone so far (as regard preparation for SWOT) and identifying particular concerns and planing for the future scientific work was of great piority. There were presentation by participants on the ongoing/concluded research work. The meeting took place within the CNES premises at Toulouse.

"The Oceanhackweek is a 5-day learning hackathon aimed at exploring, creating and promoting effective computation and analysis workflows for large and complex oceanographic data. By democratizing data access and increasing exposure to technological assets, our goals are to accelerate research, promote collaboration and cultivate data science literacy among the ocean sciences community. "

PANGEO is a community platform for Big Data geoscience based on three core packages ; Jupyter (interactive computing platform), Xarray (toolkit for working with labeled multi-dimensional arrays of data) and Dask (flexible parallel computing library for analytics.).

Our understanding of the ocean so far is broadly based on the analysis of observational datasets (satellite altimetry, in situ) and numerical simulation outputs. The advent of cutting-edge observing efforts and the implementation of high resolution numerical simulations provides the oceanography community with very large geophysical datasets to probe, hence an era of big data in ocean sciences.

SWOT (Surface Water Ocean Topography ) is a future satellite mission that is scheduled to go live in 2021. It is a joint program by NASA (USA), CNES (French Space Agency) with support from the Canadian space agency and the UK Space Agency. SWOT will revolutionise oceanography and hydrology by detecting ocean and river features with 10 times better resolution than present technologies.

June 8th of every year is dedicated as world oceans day and ocean lovers gather across the globe to celebrate our oceans. This year in Grenoble, the MEOM group participated in the celebration by raising awareness for the challenges facing our oceans, with particular attention given to Ocean Plastic Pollution (2018 world oceans day theme).

The Ocean sciences meeting is a biennial scientific meeting for marine oriented specialists around the world. It is the largest of such gathering with organised sessions that includes all aspect of oceanography research. This year's meeting took place in Portland and I was happy to present my work during one of the poster sessions.

DSG is a winter school for doctoral researchers in the geoscience domain. The aim of the course is to learn the basics of machine learning and statistical modelling with their implementation for geoscientific problems using dedicated python libraries.

The GODAE school on operational oceanography is part of the education and training initiative of the GODAE OceanView, an organisation focused on the development and improvement of ocean forecasting systems.

"Physics of the Ocean" is a summer school funded by WE-Heraeus Foundation with the key objective of providing a broader view of the ocean system from a physical perspective, encompassing a large range of scales and their interactions. The summer school also provided introductory lecture on the observations and models, theory and statistical methods used by environmental and ocean physicists.

The European Geosciences Union, General Assembly is the biggest gathering for geoscience community in Europe. Every year, the assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting, covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.

"TURBINTERMARS is aimed at exploring the “trade zones” between turbulence and Earth Sciences and it's focused on boundary layer-sediment interactions at different scales, from micro to macro scales, from observatory, experimental to numerical investigations, and applications in hydraulics."